Practical info

Adress: Klokgebouw at Strijp-S, Eindhoven.

Route information

Stopping trains will depart from Eindhoven central station to Eindhoven Strijp-S every 15 minutes. You can also take a train directly from ‘s Hertogenbosch to Strijp-S. The festival site at Klokgebouw (address Klokgebouw 1) is only a 5 minute walk away and is directly visible from Strijp-S station. Check out for exact times of train departures.

Various bus lines, namely the 18, 401 and 402, depart from Eindhoven central station and take you to stop Strijp-S in approximately eight minutes. From there, walk back towards the parking garage and turn left. The Klokgebouw is instantly recognizable by the huge Philips clock on the roof. Follow the signs towards the right entrance.

Car navigation:
Enter ‘Klokgebouw’ in your GPS system and once you arrive at Glaslaan, follow the signs towards the parking garage.
Car route description:
Go to Google maps for up to date directions

There are parking spaces at Strijp-S.


Parking options

There are multiple options to park your car on Strijp-S. On this map (Dutch version) you can find the parking areas.


Planning to stay the night at Eindhoven? A great number of hotels can be found in the city centre of Eindhoven. Timely reservations are advised. Go to for a great assortment of hotels in Eindhoven.

You can find the Blue Collar hotel at the right of the Klokgebouw.