Hackathon #6 Smart content for City Beacons

Hackathon: Smart content for Citybeacons

08 Jun - 
09 Jun
June 8, 2017 T/M June 9, 2017
9:30 AM - 10:00 PM
VPRO Medialab, Kastanjelaan 500, 5616LAZ, Eindhoven
Meld je hier aan

They’re called Citybeacons, are over 4 meters tall and there have been 25 of them in the city centre since late 2016: with these innovative pillars of information, Eindhoven is home to a Dutch first. A City Beacon is an information point and advertising board in one, but one that is full of technological possibilities in terms of safety, communication and information.

Functions and content

The Citybeacons have multiple functions. Visitors to the city can use them to discover information about the city centre. They also act as a Wi-Fi amplifier, advertising board and security camera. The basic functions are currently available, but the possibilities can be gradually expanded. The City Beacons are a platform and distribution point for the city, from the city.

Wanted: smart content

In the sixth VPRO Medialab Hackathon we will be searching for inspiring concepts and prototypes as content for these 25 City Beacons. What can you actually do with such a series of beacons in the city centre? What role could they play in terms of using public spaces? How can residents make and use content? How can they be used to tell a story? Could they be incorporated into a game? The winning concept could win the chance to be realised.

Participants wanted!

We are looking for curious and enthusiastic participants for this Hackathon. Creative developers who themselves are actively looking for innovation, for original thinkers and (concept) developers, for coders, programmers, designers and other technical prodigies who can transform new ideas directly into working prototypes. You can register via this link.

Note: there is a maximum of 30 places. In the case of too many applications, we will make a selection based on sufficient diversity of skills. Your application is not definite until you have received a confirmation mail from VPRO Medialab.

Hack along!

You can register for the Hackathon via this link. There is a maximum of 30 participants. Participation is free, and meals, drinks and snacks are included. Travel expenses can be claimed after the event. For more information, please mail medialab@vpro.nl.


A team of professionals from the smart city and media fields will assess the various groups’ prototypes during the final presentations. 

Bart Knipscheer (1979) is geboren in Amersfoort en groeide op in Maastricht en Soest. Na het VWO volgde hij de opleiding Rechten aan de Universiteit Utrecht, waar hij in 2005 afstudeerde in de richting Bestuurskunde. Hierna werkte hij bij verschillende bedrijven in verschillende functies, onder meer bij een adviesbureau voor Brandweer, Gemeente, GGD en Politie, bij Rechtsorde waar hij verkoop van juridische zoektechnologie verzorgde en bij Exterion Media een buitenreclamebedrijf. Daar was hij acht jaar senior MT lid en eindverantwoordelijk voor het team dat alle contracten met de overheid (voor plaatsen en exploitatie straatmeubilair) afsluit en beheert. Sinds één jaar is Bart is strategy & business development director bij Citybeacon en is hij verantwoordelijk voor de introductie van Citybeacon platform in Nederland.

Peter Kentie is managing director at Eindhoven365, the company responsible for the city marketing of Eindhoven region. He is fond of complex, multifaceted, multi-stakeholder projects related to marketing and brand building. Peter is one of the co-founders of STRP Festival and in recent years he has worked as marketing and media manager at PSV, was chair of the board at Baltan Laboratories and has been closely involved with the Dutch Design Week. He has a big passion for Estonia and supports the country in reaching a bigger audience.

Guus Sluijter is an experienced civil servant. He has been working for Dutch municipalities for 30 years in different functions (as policymaker, head of department, director and political and strategic advisor) and on several area’s (law, environment, law enforcement, public safety, economy and strategy). He likes to work on innovations, in cooperation with other authorities, e.g. other municipalities, provinces, ministries, and partners in the triple helix in the Brainport region Eindhoven: entrepreneurs and scientists. He was the joint initiator of initiatives as the Dutch Institute for Technology, Safety & Security and the Brainport Centre for Technology and Law. Guus Sluijter holds a master degree in law. He was educated and trained in management and leadership in the public sector. Currently he works as the manager of the smart society program of city of Eindhoven and he is strategic advisor of the Dutch Institute for Technology, Safety & Security. He is director of the public-private cooperation of Eindhoven and Schiphol Real Estate in the development of Businesspark Flight Forum in Eindhoven.

Michiel Voss (1983) is geboren en getogen in Nijmegen. Na de HAVO rondde Michiel in Arnhem het ICA (Informatie, Communicatie Academie) af in de richting Informatica en Communicatie studie. Hij richtte Photocabby op, een interactief platform gericht op het verbinden van de online en offline wereld. Ook is hij medeoprichter en Chief Product Officer van Smartloop, een cloud platform voor het beheren en optimaal inzetten van ‘Digital Signage’ netwerken. Sinds twee jaar werkt Michiel bij Citybeacon, waar hij Chief Product Officer en Lead Developer is.

Ton van Gool heeft een groot hart voor kunst en cultuur en met name voor de spannende relatie tussen kunst en technologie. Ton werkte onder meer als Projectleider Cultuur Strijp-S, was directeur en curator van MU en directeur en promoter van poppodium De Effenaar. Tevens was hij een van de oprichters van STRP Biënnale en van Baltan Laboratories.

Ton is eigenlijk altijd op zoek naar innovatie, naar nieuwe ideeën en concepten en is bij het Medialab dus helemaal op zijn plaats. Als eindredacteur gaat Ton het Medialab verder uitbouwen, breder bekend en transparanter maken en meer inhoudelijke focus aanbrengen. Neem vooral contact op met Ton als je een goed plan hebt! 

Public final presentations and drinks

At the end of the second day, the teams will present their prototypes to each other and the jury. Like the previous Hackathon, the presentations for the coming edition will be open to the public. Anyone interested in the results is welcome!
Location: Broet Basement, Natlab, Kastanjelaan 500, 5617 LZ, Eindhoven
Date and time: Friday June 9th, 5.00 PM - 7.00 PM
Register for free:  vprohackathon6.eventbrite.nl

Practical information

Date: Thursday 8 (9:30 AM – 9 PM) and Friday 9 (9 AM – 10 PM) June 2017
Location: VPRO Medialab, Kastanjelaan 500, 5616 LZ, Eindhoven (Natlab building).