Ersin Han Ersin (visual artist at Marshmallow Laser Feast): on TreeHugger, an immersive experience where climbing inside a virtual Sequoia tree becomes a reality.

Ersin Han Ersin (EN) (Marshmallow Laser Feast)

Ersin Han Ersin is a visual artist and director. He focusses on interaction between virtual spaces, light and body, including the tension between real and virtual experiences. Ersin also works as Director at technology driven art collective Marshmallow Laser Feast. He has designed, directed and collaborated for the likes of New Movement Collective (Nest), Imogen Heap (Me the Machine) and Marshmallow Laser Feasts In the Eyes of The Animal. Ersins work has been exhibited around the world including Lisbon Triennial, Istanbul Design Biennial, Sundance Film Festival, London, New York, and Shanghai. During the conference also shows his work in the exhibition of STRP Biennial.

Ersin Han Ersin (Marshmallow Laser Feast) (NL)

Ersin Han Ersin is beeldend kunstenaar en regisseur. Hij focust op interactie tussen virtuele ruimtes, licht en lichaam met de daarbij horende spanning tussen werkelijke en virtuele ervaringen. Ersin is tevens ook directeur van het door technologie gedreven kunstcollectief Marshmallow Laser Feast. Hij ontwierp, regisseerde en werkte samen met onder andere New Movement Collective’s Nest, Imogen Heaps Me the Machine en Marshmallow Laser Feasts In the Eyes of The Animal. Ersins werk is wereldwijd tentoongesteld, onder andere op Lissabon Triënnale, Istanbul Design Biënnale en Sundance Film Festival. Tijdens de conferentie is tevens zijn werk te zien in de expo van STRP Biënnale.

Session: Meet the Maker - immersive stories

Location: Zone 4, Table 4

Time: 11.40 AM & 1.30 PM & 2.20 PM

Immersive stories: makers

3 items

This speaker elaborates on the the immersive aspect of storytelling in the Meet the Makers-program. How do you lure children into a story with mixed reality formats like VR and AR? How can you convey a story without a real storyline? These are a few of the questions that he or she will focus on. On the right, you can see which speakers will also talk ...
