Topaz Adizes (founder of The Skin Deep): on human contact in the digital age. Topaz made {The And} and The Dig, two interactive documentaries about the complex truths and choices of couples.

Topaz Adizes (EN)

Topaz Adizes is an award-winning creator and director. His interactive work has earned him an Emmy award for New Approaches to Documentary and two World Press Photo prizes. His films have been selected to Cannes, Sundance three times and numerous other festivals around the world. He is the founder and creative director of The Skin Deep, a studio creating interactive experiences focused entirely on exploring human connection in the digital age. During the conference you can talk to Topaz about Interactive 2.0: how the creation of The Skin Deep and their two award winning experiences, {THE AND} and The Dig, fit into the new mold of organic, alive content. This conversation will offer a dynamic new way to view content and the process of its creation. You can see his work in the exhibition of STRP Biennial.

Topaz Adizes (NL)

Topaz Adizes uit Brooklyn is een veelbekroonde maker en regisseur. Zijn interactieve werk heeft hem een Emmy award en twee World Press Photo prijzen opgeleverd. Zijn films zijn geselecteerd voor Cannes, Sundance en bij talloze festivals wereldwijd. Hij is de oprichter en creatief directeur van The Skin Deep, een creatieve studio met een focus op de menselijke verbinding in het digitale tijdperk. Tijdens de conferentie kun je bij hem aan tafel schuiven en praten over Interactive 2.0: hoe de creatie van The Skin Deep en twee van hun expereinces, {THE AND} en The Dig, past in een nieuwe vorm van organische, levende content en het proces van creatie. Zijn werk is te zien in de expo van STRP Biënnale.

Session: Meet the Maker - Immersive stories

Location: Zone 4, Table 6

Time: 11.40 AM & 1.30 PM & 2.20 PM

Immersive stories: makers

3 items

This speaker elaborates on the the immersive aspect of storytelling in the Meet the Makers-program. How do you lure children into a story with mixed reality formats like VR and AR? How can you convey a story without a real storyline? These are a few of the questions that he or she will focus on. On the right, you can see which speakers will also talk ...
